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ShowMeYourCode   Review #01.

The story so far.


Two months ago show me your code bacame true. Since then we didn't focus on promotion, because we wanted to be ready. Now we have 2 Android apps, 4 gui Linux scripts, 3 web apps, 2 desktop apps and of cource our custom made chat, we think that it's time to welcome more users and programmers to our community.

But what's exactly the target of show me your code? 

Our aim isn't just to create open source projects and share them with you. Our aim is to create an open source community where people from over the world can post their applications or their programming tutorials and earn money of them from the future donations. Easy as that. So, if you have a program that you made and the past you can collaborate with us for free.

But what should I earn?

Except from the possibility of donations (maybe when we will be super famous) it's also a good advertisement for yourself especially if you are a computer science student or something like that. With your applications or your tutorials there will be your name with your CV. So, everyone will have the possibility to see your open source projects.

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